Building Bridges – Lunch for Veterans

Local veterans are invited to our 3rd Wednesday of the month lunch for veterans.

Meet other veterans over a complimentary lunch on Wednesday, April 16th.
Doors open at 11:30 AM
and we finish by 1:00 PM. Please reserve your spot if you plan to attend, by calling 603-926-5688

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What’s Happening In March and April


25th – Lent Course/Confirmation Prep Session 4, 5 pm-7:30-pm, Narthex

26th – Midweek Prayer, 1 pm

30th – 4th Sunday of Lent – Holy Communion, 9:30 am


1st – Lent Course/Confirmation Prep Session 5, 5pm-7:30-pm, Narthex

2nd – Midweek Prayer, 1pm

5th – Food Pantry 10am-12pm

6th – 5th Sunday of Lent – Holy Communion, 9:30am

7th – One O’clock Prayer, 1pm

8th – Lent Course/Confirmation Prep Session 6, 5pm-7:30-pm, Narthex

12th – Saturday Evening Rite I Holy Communion, 5pm

13th – Palm Sunday – Holy Communion, 9:30am

14th – One O’clock Prayer, 1pm

16th – Building Bridges Lunch for Veterans @ 11:30am

16th – Stations of the Cross, 1pm

17th – Maundy Thursday Service, 6pm

Holy Communion with Foot Washing & Stripping of the Altar

18th – Good Friday Service, 6pm

19th – Food Pantry

20th – Easter Sunrise Service, Hampton Beach, 5.45am

             Easter Celebration with Holy Communion, 9.30am

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Episcopal Relief and Development – Responding to CA Wildfires


Episcopal priest Liz Piraino, chaplain at Altadena’s MonteCedro retirement community, reassures a resident taking emergency shelter at Pasadena Convention Center Jan. 8, 2025. Diocese of Los Angeles photo by Bishop John Harvey Taylor

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles to provide cash assistance to people who have been impacted during the Palisades, Woodley, Eaton and Hurst wildfires.

The fires ignited in early January and have killed at least 25 people and displaced tens of thousands. Fueled by high winds, they have followed an unpredictable path, causing widespread destruction to homes, schools, businesses and places of worship in Ventura and Los Angeles counties.

Among those impacted are service industry workers. Many people’s workplaces have been destroyed, and others have had difficulty commuting in Southern California because of dangerous conditions, resulting in lost wages.

In partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, the Diocese of Los Angeles is providing gift cards and cash deposits through electronic apps to people in need. The financial assistance will be disbursed through churches throughout the Diocese that are serving as emergency shelters, charging stations and respite centers.

“The effects of this disaster are heartbreaking, overwhelming and deeply personal for our church partners,” said Lura Steele, Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “Many have lost so much, and they are still working hard to quickly mobilize resources to people even more affected by the fires such as people who have limited social and financial resources.”

Episcopal Relief & Development is equipping local leaders to implement asset-based disaster responses through regional support calls where staff share expertise and resources. Staff also individually guide leaders through federal and state aid processes. Episcopal Relief & Development will support leaders throughout the impact phase of this disaster and into long-term recovery. We will walk alongside survivors as they choose the next steps that make the most sense for their lives.

Please pray for the people affected by the wildfires. Supporting the Wildfire Response Fund will help communities around the world respond to the impact of fires, including people affected by the wildfires in Southern California.

Contact with any questions. We are here to help

You can read more about our response on our website.

Will you help spread the word?  Will you Donate?

Contact with any questions. We are here to help.

And please, let us continue to join unceasingly in prayers for peace.
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Are you Looking for a church “home”?

Are you looking for your place in Christian life and wondering about the Episcopal Church?  Let us help.

Who are we?

Episcopalians believe in God as Trinity (“Three in One and One in Three”). We seek to carry out lives of compassion and charity, and to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and the Gospel to a world that is hungry for God.

We observe five marks of mission:

  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

  • To teach, baptize and nurture new believers

  • To respond to human need by loving service

  • To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation

  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Please join us on Sundays for our 9:30 AM service, or call our Vicar, Leah Philbrick at 603-926-5688, or email her at if you would like to learn more.

If you are not in the New Hampshire Seacoast area, you may want to go online to find out more.

To find out more information about the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New Hampshire, visit

To find out more information about Province One of the Episcopal Church, visit

To learn more about the work of the Episcopal Church in the world, visit

Be at peace anywhere that God leads you and know that you belong.

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